First, let me state that I was a certified teacher in the State of Arizona and my aunt has been a teacher for over twenty years. I believe that teachers hold the most important role in any civilized society, teaching the future leaders and entrepreneurs. The roles of teachers do not carry with it the honor and respect it should, they are under paid, under appreciated and always called to task when our schools fail and we as a nation should be ashamed of this fact. Teachers are only one part of the education process in our youth, albeit a major one. Many other factors are part of this education process, parent involvement in schools, parent reinforcement of material learned in school, a strong and current curriculum and environment in which the learning occurs. And although if feel the governors actions are the correct ones, it is only addressing one of the problems our national education systems needs to solve.
Now after looking at the issue it seems that the dispute in not directly between the Governors office and the Unions, but more so between the districts and the teachers and the main sticking point seems to be the percentage in the evaluation process between standardized test scores and other factors including classroom technique. And although, being educated as a teacher, I understand the position that not all students perform well on test and that it is unfair to be judged by that, these scores must be a main part of any evaluation since it is how we judge progress, at least until there is a more accurate method. But since the carrot and stick method is being used by Cuomo, both sides will be forced to compromise to ensure they do not leave any federal or state funding on the table, therefore hurting our children's education.
Like I said this is only one issue and I hope that other states follow NY's lead. Other areas that I feel need to be address to save our education system and prepare our youth for the world of tomorrow are as follows:
- We as a nation need to establish a national curriculum, created by experts in education, child development, economic leaders as well as business people. Their goal should be simple and straight forward:
- Develop a curriculum for Pre-K through 12th grade, that prepares our children for the world they will inherit by teaching skills and theories that are relevant, while also providing enrichment in the arts and humanities. By creating a standard national curriculum we provided children with a consistent and uniform path to a high school diploma which will prepare them for college and the world they will live in. I would leave it up to the states to implement the curriculum and manage the teacher evaluation process because I feel states will be more effective in this area.
- I look at the education of children as a team sport and parents need to have some skin in the game also, especially since we are talking about their children's education. I support some for of parent evaluation, whether we call it a reports card or not. Parents are not educators, however, that does not mean that they can not teach their children or does it mean that when your children start school the parents job as educator is over. This is a life long commitment you have to your child. These evaluation should include parent involvement in the classroom, doing homework with their children, reinforcing the importance of a good education and most importantly teaching RESPECT for teachers.
- I remember growing up and getting calls home from school, one of the most terrifying things that could have happened. I was never allowed to question my teachers, talk back to my teachers or blame teachers for my actions. Any such action was met with either a smack in the mouth, grounding, detention or any other public humiliation my parents though were fitting. When did we start allowing our children to be so disrespectful and to walk around with a sense of entitlement that gives them cart blanch to do whatever they want......Would we let our children talk to police officers like that, or judges, these are positions of authority just like educating. Parents need to reinforce that if they have issues in school they need to bring them up in a respectful tone and if that doesn't work then get the parents involved. But teachers should not have to put up with the abuse of smart Alec, rude, disrespectful children and educators should not have to put up with it either.
- We need to get parents back into the classroom, to me this should be a requirement for all parents. Whether it be for 1 hour a month or one hour a day, some involvement should be mandatory. I have seen that children whose parents are involved in their education tend to do better and take their education more seriously. There is no reason any parent cannot spare a month a year.
- We need to level the playing field in our education system. A simple walk through a majority of school in lower income areas will make glaringly clear that some type of reform is needed. Our education is run by the state and therefore the state needs to provided the same standards to learning environment, teacher quality and resources. By basing the distribution of education dollars by local tax base is a root of this problem......area with lower property values get less than schools in areas with higher property taxes....seems a little backwards to me, and if you feel this is unfair then you have the option of private school, but to me the education system is for all people regardless of income. So yes, poorer area will get more money, but only because they need it.
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