Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Windham Hamlet needs some curb appeal!

Recently there was a little hubbub in the town of Windham regarding Sandwich Board signs, you know those signs that local businesses, churches and other organizations use to promote special events or sales that they have.  Although the sign law does not allow for them, until recently, that provision of the law was not actively enforced, which was in my opinion the right position.  Why take away an organizations right to advertise in their local community as long as the signs did not offend people, block pedestrian of vehicle traffic, were well maintained and taken in at night.  But someone caused a stir and now that provision of the law is being enforced now. I agree that we need to keep our beautiful town clutter free and maintain the country living lifestyle that we all love and attracts visitors year round, but why stop there.

We are a vacation get away destination and our economy greatly depends on tourists and to attract these visitors, or new businesses, or new investment we need to put out best foot forward.  And like any Real Estate person will tell you, curb appeal sells.  While the Hamlet of Windham benefited greatly from the Main Street revitalization, Hensonville has not.  While driving home everyday, I pass the lot of the old Woodhaven, and it is overgrown and unmaintained, then I get to the burned down house that is still standing and again the lot is overgrown and then I get to the old car wash and then Town Hall.  Now, anyone who lives in the Town of Windham, visits the Town of Windham, or wants to do business in the Town of Windham eventually goes to Hensonville and what I have just described is not the image I feel that we want to project.  Is there not a Building Code law or Public Safety law that would require vacant lots to be graded and maintained?  I can think of brush fires or other safety concerns being enough.  Can we find a little money in the budget to give Town Hall a face lift, maybe a new brighter coat of paint, some landscaping.  We need to attract new tourists, investors and residents to our community and to do so we need to give our town a little TLC.

I know that money is tight right now, but maybe if we spend a little now, we can reap the benefits for years to come. 


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Real Problem with Securing our Boarders

First let me point out that I find it interesting that every time we talk about securing our boarders we focus solely on our boarder with Mexico and the Canadian boarder never enters the conversation.  There could be a number of reasons:
  1.  It might be racism against Mexicans.
  2. The number of jobs that the Mexican illegals take from Americans.
  3. To insulate us from the drug wars along our boarder.
  4. A great political talking point.
  5. To keep terrorists out.
Maybe it is a combination of all of these, and maybe different people have different reasons.  Regardless of the reason, I feel that or boarders should be more secure and somewhat support Ron Paul's position of repositioning some of our military forces to help secure our boarders, ALL OF THEM!!!  A majority of our boarder with Canada is not secured, it was not too long ago suspected terrorists were caught at the boarder attempting to get material in to carry out a terrorist attack in the USA again.  A drug tunnel was also found between a hut in Canada and a home in Washington state.  We would be fools to think that these are the only incidents and that there are not other smuggling operations going on at the Canadian boarder.  So why do we concentrate so much on our boarder to the south instead.....I think it is a combination of the first two reason on my list and we are hearing so much about it because of reason 3.

We hear on the news all the time how the Caucasians compare going to be the minority in our country soon, we hear about Sheriff Arpio in Arizona and the whole state in fact passing a law that allows for racial profiling, yet we never hear these things about illegals from nations like Canada or Europe who do not leave when their Visas expire.  Why is that, because they do not look different than White America.  Remember WWII, when we put Japanese citizens in internment camps simple because they were Japanese, why wasn't that done with the Germans?  Because you can tell if some one is Japanese just by the way they look.  Is that what is next for our Latin citizens?  So yes RACISIM is definitely part of the issue we need to get past to address NATIONAL boarder security. 

Another rally cry we always hear is, " They are taking jobs from Americans!"  I wish it was as cut and dry as that because if it was, I would say get the illegals out and put Americans to work, but here is a problem I see.  One of the primary reasons farms use illegals is because they are cheaper than Americans, no Social Security, taxes, insurance, lower hourly wages, etc., if they were no longer allowed to use illegals the prices of everything we eat would sky rocket and inflation would soar. The effect would be catastrophic for everyone.  Now if we eliminated the subsidies we give oil companies and give them to the agricultural industries as part of a effort to get Americans working in those jobs while deporting illegals , you have my vote.  But until we can find a way to keep inflation in check by getting rid of the illegals, I can see only it hurting our economy.

We need to concentrate more on deporting people with expired Visas and securing our boarders from terrorists trying to smuggle contraband in, and leave the illegal farm worker debate for a later date when we can address the fall out to our economy it could create.


Friday, February 3, 2012

Israel Should Defend itself at ALL Costs!

War is the last resort, at least that is the way we feel as a global community, but when is enough, enough?  Lately, Iran has again made some bold statements and actions toward the west and Israel, threatening to close the straits of Hormuz, supporting terrorists and continues their nuclear program which threatens Israel with the potential of nuclear attack.  Israel and the rest of the world have said that an Iran with nuclear weapons can not be allowed, yet every effort the UN has taken to control the situation has been meet with contempt from the Iranian leadership, so where does that leave us?

My opinion, let Israel strike or more to the point, do not tell them not too.  How is this different to the Cuban Missile Crisis of the sixties?  Our mainland was threatened by the placement of nuclear warheads in Cuba by the USSR, and our government led by JFK brought us to the brink of a world war until they were removed.  How can we ask Israel to do anything different.  They are attacked o n a daily basis almost from rocket propelled grenades, IED and other terrorist actions and not the threat of Nuclear attack.  I understand we live in a global community, but how can we ask them to endue these attacks and not defend themselves?  By doing so we embolden the Iranian leadership to keep pushing and developing while the rest of the world tells Israel to show restraint.....Bullshit.

Israel should bomb them back to the stone age to protect their national interests and in doing so will make things in the middle east more straight forward, mess with us and you will pay.  Although we are the leading world power, that does not mean we can solve the worlds problem and war and force have solved more problems in the world than diplomacy ever could.

In the end, I can not see how and eventual attack on Iran can be avoided if the leadership in Iran keeps up witjhits radical views on the Western world and their belief that Israel should be destroyed.

My message to Israel, DO WHAT YOU GOT TO DO and the USA will be behind you.


Israel may strike

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pro-Choice but anti-abortion?

I took me a couple of days to decide if I would comment on the topic.  And until I saw an anti-abortion Facebook post come across my screen I was still undecided, but that gave me the last push I needed. 

Now, please correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Roe v. Wade settle this years ago?  Has it been challenged and upheld countless times?  The Supreme Court of our land has determined that is the choice of the individual to decide.   Some say that life begins at conception and therefore they consider abortion murder and I respect their views, but respectfully disagree and again the Supreme Court agrees.  But that does not mean I am Pro-abortion. 

I view abortion as the last resort and not something that should be treated like birth control.  Way to often we see women getting multiple abortions and thinking nothing of it.  We live in an age of readily available contraceptive of all types and now even have the "morning after" pill that can protect against unwanted pregnancies well before an abortion is required to terminate the pregnancy. 

The most important protection we can give our children is education.  We need to talk to them about Abstinence and hope that is the course they take, but we also need to talk to them about ways to protect themselves from STDs and unwanted pregnancy if they choose to have premarital sex.  This is the only rational thing we can do as parents because the alternative will be babies having babies and an increase in STDs.  I know that some will say it is against their faith or religion to use contraceptive, but to me this seems to be an antiquated approach to deal with the world today and I am not saying you should do anything but teach Abstinence but you should also give you children knowledge. 

In my case, I am pro-choice and want to eliminate to need for abortions in the world through education, but for me to impose my views and beliefs on others is against everything our nation and founding fathers fought for. 

Just imagine if the resources spent on making those hideous diagrams and posters was used to educate our children in the importance of abstinence but prepare them if they choose differently.

Before I go I want to leave you with a thought, if we outlaw abortion I see two things happening right away and tell me if I am wrong:

  1. Abortions will re-enter the shadows it called home before Roe v Wade and women will die because of it.
  2. The number of unwanted pregnancies will turn into unwanted children who will flood the orphanages or wind up on Social Services or dead in a dumpster or cardboard box.  THIS IS REALITY and unless those who want to infringe on a persons right to choose want to support these children they should not be so quick to judge.
And please remember that if you want the freedom to your religion that means we have the right to be non-religion.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Presidentlial and Congressional Pay part of the problem.

I saw it again today, a Facebook post that points out the disparity between the retirement plans our elected officials receive and what we as Americans get through Social Security and what our Armed Services members are paid.  After checking into it, I was shocked and disgusted to find that the numbers are not far off, yet it does explain and highlight some more changes needed in Washington.

We as a people need to put into perspective the role of our elected officials.  They are civil servants, they work for us and for too long they have forgotten that fact.  Just look at the salaries that they make, REALLY!  What about our teachers, our police officers, our firefighters, they are civil servants as well and most of them live pay check to pay check doing an under appreciated job for embarrassingly low salaries, yet they do it and do it with a sense of pride.  We send these people to Washington to represent our best interests not their own. 
And here is the kicker, they get that amount for LIFE.  Why you ask yourself, because they voted for it and we didn't even notice.  And the Executive branch is just as bad!  We need to make Washington a place where politicians go to make America better and not a place to make money and stay as long as you can.  This makes people forget their principles and grasp onto self interests....We need Compensation reform to end one of the most offensive ENTITLEMENTS there is.

Congressional Compensation

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Occupy Wallsteet Needs to Focus to be Effective

I admit that I admire the youth of our nation not only complaining about government but getting involved and voicing their disgust and frustration with Washington and Politics in general.  Regardless of what side of the political isle you are on, we as Americans need to fix America.  For this to be accomplished the atmosphere of "My way or the Highway", Pay for a voice PAC and Super PAC politics and the inflated compensation plans for politicians needs to be stopped for us to become a true democracy where one voice truly does equal one vote.  And those who are part of the Occupy movement should make this their primary focus,and here is why.

In the news we are bombarded with stories regarding Occupy protests worldwide, but I hardly ever hear a concise message or talking points that they are fighting to achieve.  I get that they positioning themselves as a voice of the majority, a 99% one, and I through following the news and economy see the need for a "revolution" in our nation to equal the playing field for all Americans, but they never talk about how they want to do this and why it is so important an issue.  This will make it personal for people who are the working poor and middle class, who have jobs but still can not make ends meet.

Now for my 2 cents: I feel that they should take up the issue of campaign finance reform and tax code reform and throw their support behind candidates, regardless of political affiliation, who will push for it.  Until we can control and limit the amount of money that flows into the pockets of these candidates and PACs, and remove loopholes in our tax code we can never take back our government.  There are limitless ways for this to be accomplished but I favor a plan that accomplishes the following:
  1. Caps the amount of money candidates can spend on campaigning, similar to baseball's salary cap.
  2. All PAC adds need to be fact checked by their parties National Committee and false claims must be denounced.
  3.   All PAC donations must be done under full disclosure and no anonymous donations are accepted.
  4. Eliminate the loophole that allows for tax shelters to be set up in offshore account, although it is legal it is clearly a tax evasion technique used by the 1% almost exclusively.
  5. End the tax break for monies made off wall street investments.  I can see no reason why INCOME made off of investments deserves a lower tax rate, especially since in the case of the stock market, there is not economic benefits.  If anything people who work for a paycheck should get the tax break.
These are just a few, let me know if you have another idea.

In the end, the Occupy movement is gaining support and is getting media coverage, but to mean the message is to undefined to get real traction.  In addition they need to create a central political party with a leadership structure to focus all efforts.


Friday, January 20, 2012

The Problem with Education in our Nation

New York Gov. Cuomo, recently laid down the gauntlet to the teachers unions regarding teacher evaluations by threatening to withhold education funding unless the two sides can agree on a evaluation process that grades teachers based on their performance and that of their students.  While I wish it did not come to this type of "ultimatum" governing, I agree with the Governor that the time for this type of accountability from our educators.

First, let me state that I was a certified teacher in the State of Arizona and my aunt has been a teacher for over twenty years.  I believe that teachers hold the most important role in any civilized society, teaching the future leaders and entrepreneurs.  The roles of teachers do not carry with it the honor and respect it should, they are under paid, under appreciated and always called to task when our schools fail and we as a nation should be ashamed of this fact.  Teachers are only one part of the education process in our youth, albeit a major one.  Many other factors are part of this education process, parent involvement in schools, parent reinforcement of material learned in school, a strong and current curriculum and environment in which the learning occurs.  And although if feel the governors actions are the correct ones, it is only addressing one of the problems our national education systems needs to solve.

Now after looking at the issue it seems that the dispute in not directly between the Governors office and the Unions, but more so between the districts and the teachers and the main sticking point seems to be the percentage in the evaluation process between standardized test scores and other factors including classroom technique.  And although, being educated as a teacher, I understand the position that not all students perform well on test and that it is unfair to be judged by that, these scores must be a main part of any evaluation since it is how we judge progress, at least until there is a more accurate method.  But since the carrot and stick method is being used by Cuomo, both sides will be forced to compromise to ensure they do not leave any federal or state funding on the table, therefore hurting our children's education.

Like I said this is only one issue and I hope that other states follow NY's lead.  Other areas that I feel need to be address to save our education system and prepare our youth for the world of tomorrow are as follows:

  • We as a nation need to establish a national curriculum, created by experts in education, child development, economic leaders as well as business people.  Their goal should be simple and straight forward:
    • Develop a curriculum for Pre-K through 12th grade, that prepares our children for the world they will inherit by teaching skills and theories that are relevant, while also providing enrichment in the arts and humanities.  By creating a standard national curriculum we provided children with a consistent and uniform path to a high school diploma which will prepare them for college and the world they will live in.  I would leave it up to the states to implement the curriculum and manage the teacher evaluation process because I feel states will be more effective in this area. 
Parent involvement:
  • I look at the education of children as a team sport and parents need to have some skin in the game also, especially since we are talking about their  children's education.  I support some for of parent evaluation, whether we call it a reports card or not.  Parents are not educators, however, that does not mean that they can not teach their children or does it mean that when your children start school the parents job as educator is over.  This is a life long commitment you have to your child.  These evaluation should include parent involvement in the classroom, doing homework with their children, reinforcing the importance of a good education and most importantly teaching RESPECT for teachers. 
    • I remember growing up and getting calls home from school, one of the most terrifying things that could have happened.  I was never allowed to question my teachers, talk back to my teachers or blame teachers for my actions.  Any such action was met with either a smack in the mouth, grounding, detention or any other public humiliation my parents though were fitting.  When did we start allowing our children to be so disrespectful and to walk around with a sense of entitlement that gives them cart blanch to do whatever they want......Would we let our children talk to police officers like that, or judges, these are positions of authority just like educating.  Parents need to reinforce that if they have issues in school they need to bring them up in a respectful tone and if that doesn't work then get the parents involved.  But teachers should not have to put up with the abuse of smart Alec, rude, disrespectful children and educators should not have to put up with it either. 
    • We need to get parents back into the classroom, to me this should be a requirement for all parents.  Whether it be for 1 hour a month or one hour a day, some involvement should be mandatory.  I have seen that children whose parents are involved in their education tend to do better and take their education more seriously.  There is no reason any parent cannot spare a month a year. 
Need based funding for Education
  • We need to level the playing field in our education system.  A simple walk through a majority of school in lower income areas will make glaringly clear that some type of reform is needed.  Our education is run by the state and therefore the state needs to provided the same standards to learning environment, teacher quality and resources.  By basing the distribution of education dollars by local tax base is a root of this problem......area with lower property values get less than schools in areas with higher property taxes....seems a little backwards to me, and if you feel this is unfair then you have the option of private school, but to me the education system is for all people regardless of income.  So yes, poorer area will get more money, but only because they need it. 
There are many other issues that I have not mentioned but I think these are the big ones and if we want our children and nation to remain a world leader we need to make changes now.
